Statement of Doctrine

We are a creative community of worshippers, Bible contemplators, poetic dreamers and Jesus followers as we try to figure life out together with God. Below are the beliefs we hold as we journey together.

  • We believe in one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • We believe in Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine, who lived as a perfect example, who assumed the judgment due sinners by dying in our place, and who was bodily raised from the dead and ascended as Savior and Lord.

  • We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ baptizes believers in the Holy Spirit, in whom we are also sealed for the day of redemption. The Holy Spirit regenerates, forever indwells, and graciously equips the Christian for godly living and service. After conversion, the Spirit desires to fill, empower and anoint believers for ministry and witness. We also believe that signs and wonders, as well as all the gifts of the Spirit described in the New Testament, are operative today and are designed to testify to the presence of the Kingdom and to empower and edify the Church to fulfill its calling and mission.

  • We believe the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired Word of God, without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men and women, and the Divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life.

  • We believe in the value and dignity of all people: created in God's image to live in love and holiness, but alienated from God and each other because of our sin and guilt, and justly subject to God’s wrath.

  • We believe that justification by God's grace, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection, provide the only way to all who repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

  • We believe that the Church is God's primary instrument through which He is fulfilling His redemptive purposes in the earth. To equip the saints (all such persons who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit through saving faith in Jesus Christ) for the work of ministry, we believe God has set into the Church men and women as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. We also affirm the priesthood of all believers and the importance of every Christian being joined with and actively involved in a local community of the saints. We believe that women, no less than men, are called and gifted to proclaim the Gospel and do all the works of the Kingdom.

    We believe in the unity of all believers in Jesus Christ, manifest in worshiping and witnessing churches making disciples throughout the world. We believe that God has called the Church to preach the Gospel to all nations, and especially to remember the poor and to minister to their needs through sacrificial giving and practical service. This ministry is an expression of the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ and is an essential part of the Kingdom of God.

  • We believe water baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances to be observed by the Church during this age. They are, however, not to be regarded as a means of salvation. Baptism by immersion will be practiced at Faith Community Bible Church.

  • We believe in the personal and imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ, and this truth has a vital bearing on the personal life and service of the believer.

  • We believe in the victorious reign and future personal return of Jesus Christ, who will judge all people with justice and mercy, giving over the unrepentant to eternal condemnation in Hell but receiving the redeemed into eternal life in Heaven.

  • We believe that Satan, originally the great and good angel Lucifer, rebelled against God, taking a multitude of angels with him. He was cast out of God's presence and is at work with his demonic hosts to establish his counter-kingdom of darkness, evil and unrest on Earth. Satan was judged and defeated at the cross of Christ and will be cast forever into the lake of fire which has been prepared for him and his angels.