What We Believe
Our Vision
To display the fullness of Christ and bring Heaven to Earth
Our Mission
To be a community of His presence that worships the Lord and equips disciples to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to the Triangle neighborhood, the campus, to Madison and the world.
Our Core Values
Bringing people into the presence of God, encouraging each person to fully enter in and develop a lifestyle that includes corporate and individual worship.
Seeking intimacy with Christ, being a house of prayer, developing a praying community who pray corporately and individually for FCBC, the body of Christ, Madison and the world.
We are a community that journeys together, encouraging one another to know God and serve him. We seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly the best we can in the power of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Ours is a relational family embracing all generations and intentionally sharing life and love. We need one another to see and experience the fullness of God.
We study the Holy Bible, seek healing and wholeness through building trusting relationships and practicing Christian disciplines. We want to grow in intimacy with, obedience to and wholeness in Christ.
Working together to accomplish our mission and vision in every aspect of our ministry. Governing from a team model while valuing different roles.
We desire to cultivate and share the presence of God for the peace of individuals, our city and the world. Our goal is to display light and truth to those around us.
What We Believe
We agree with the historic confessions of the Trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus Christ is both God and human, who came into the world to proclaim the Kingdom, begin the church, and bring salvation to all who will trust in him as Savior.
We believe Faith Community Bible Church is a local expression of the church, which universally, is Christ's "body" of believers.
We believe that corporately and individually we are a priesthood of believers, of which Jesus Christ is the Head. We appoint leaders (elders & others) believing Jesus will direct us as a church through godly people.
We believe the Lord Jesus is bringing His salvation to the lost; His healing and freedom to those in sin and bondage; and His wisdom and abilities to believers through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
We believe the Holy Spirit empowers and makes effective our worship and work, as well as our fellowship with one another. We believe all of God's Gifts of the Holy Spirit exist for our benefit today.